Mission 2 Internet Of Things {Product}

Mission 2



The product of this mission was mainly the power point presentation itself because although we did our own survey we did have to represent the data we collected in the power point. The power point began with a list of Internet Of Things devices which we compiled and then laid it out in a more aesthetically pleasing format. We made sure to include both everyday household devices and also more industrial devices to really show the range of IoT devices that are available. We did this by searching for a template that we liked and then inserting the names of IoT devices we found, each with a small image because we wanted to give visual aids as to keep it interesting.

I conducted a survey to find out how many IoT devices people have in their homes and what those devices are. Originally we thought asking people individually would get us quicker responses and be easier, we later realized it would have been more efficient to use a survey making website for this process instead. This is something I will use to learn from and take with me into future projects as i move forward. Once we had collected all of our data, we made a spreadsheet to look at the information more clearly. Then we used this information to make our visual representation. We decided to go with the pie chart as we all felt it looked the best with the rest of our presentation.

Also in our power point presentation was information about what the internet of things actually is (the definition), how IoT affects our daily life both in the home and outside, safety of IoT and the issues surrounding the safety of IoT and also the future of IoT.

The final thing we did for this project was just to organize the order of the slides and decide who would say what, to do this we met up the morning of the presentation to do a run through and make sure we were all comfortable with our parts and that it had a nice, natural flow. Here we also made some last minute changes like transitions between slides and re-wording some of the slides to make them easier for people to understand.

Thanks for reading:)


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